SANS (Deprecated)

Blockchain Network: Binance Smart Chain

Contract Address: 0x37829950fD06497b0915F4C6a0CF49C19EB3f968

Total Supply SANS (1 billion)

The entire supply will be locked into 3 separate contracts at the following rates and will be extracted by the methods described.

Direct Sales Amount

475.000.000 SANS

It is locked to the SansManager contract and can only be mined by purchasing it with BNB.

Amount to be Distributed by Mining

475.000.000 SANS

It is locked to the SansMineAwardManager contract and can only be issued by mining investors.

Amount Allocated to the Project Team

50.000.000 SANS

It is locked to the SansLocker contract. Unless the existing SANS in the above two resources are depleted, a maximum of 2% of the total amountmined from these resources is released. This amount can be withdrawn when all SANS in these resources are exhausted. Thus, the development team is prevented from dominating the market at any time with the SANS in hand.

SANS price and supply will not be fully determined by the market until all SANS to be sold by direct sale are exhausted. Therefore, will use 5% to 10% of the proceeds from the sale of SANS on a periodic (daily or hourly) basis to purchase SANS and add liquidity to the SANS-BNB pool to allow SANS to be sold at higher price and liquidity will spend.

It will be irreversibly locked in the SansLiquidityLocker contract. This will make it possible to trade SANS forever.

When the SANS reserved for direct sale are exhausted, the price of the SANS will be determined by the market completely according to t.he supply-demand balance

BNB Investment

It is planned that at least 50% of the proceeds of the SANS sale will be invested in BNB (BNB staking).

For detailed technical information about BNB staking, you can check here.

No-Loss Lottery Budget

It is expected that the lottery budget will be covered entirely with the income from BNB investments over time. Meanwhile, 20% to 30% of the direct sale income, especially in the early periods, can be spent for no-loss lottery awards.

These rates are decided by the project's developer team by considering sustainability and participant motivation.

Trading Bot Budget

The trading bot developed by the project team, which makes automatic trading on the Binance stock market and provides high profitability in long-term tests, will be commissioned when a certain level is reached in SANS sales. A maximum of 20% of the total revenue is planned to be transferred to the bot.

The income from the bot will be shared with investors who invest in SANS and LP tokens under the mining function.

Last updated